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Pretty cool! The soundtrack is quite good, the layout supports the player and sprites look good. The controls are also good except the issue with the screen transitioning bits as others have mentioned. 

Great game for a first Jam! I'm guessing this isn't your first game though.

Definitely one of my favorites from this Jam.

I’ve actually just fixed the screen transitioning! I can’t update the download until the jam’s review ends on Friday


Quite cool for the first jam!

Controls are quite awkward with screen switching: mouse stays at the same play, but camera moves and so the shoot direction changes to the opposite. I believe such controls should be done for gamepad.

In the bottom room, after dropping antibaby it sometimes disappears. Is this intended?

Also, why not fullscreen by default?

(1 edit)

I’m actually releasing an update after the rating period for the jam ends. It fixes the screen switching, makes fullscreen the default, fixes the antibaby physics more or less, and makes the overall difficulty increase slightly slower :)